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Well ranked, well seen!

Who doesn’t want their website to be number 1 on Google? Who doesn’t want their website to be visited by as many people as possible? Of course any business online hopes to be the first seen when it is searched.

Google holds more than 92% of the market shares of the Internet search. That is a well-known search engine. It is thus important, above all, to be well ranked on Google for more visibility among other websites on other search engines.

A SEO passes by a reflection on the keywords which one wants to propose. These keywords will be located by the search engines. It is preferable to make draw up the list of these keywords by a non-specialist of the field of industry in order not to forget significant words for “the average net surfer”. It is naturally completely prohibited to integrate in its keywords of the protected brands, the name of personalities, the name of your competitors, etc…

At the leading level, it is advised to employ the good keywords in the titles of your documents, to repeat them in their contents and to establish links towards websites of reference on the subject.Your documents must be reference documents on the issue covered to be well positioned.

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