The year 2009 has been declared World Year of Astronomy by UNESCO. It may be was a fortuitus coincidence that it also was the year of Novatis’s (our web agency) creation. However, signs are certainly significant and the year of the invention of the oldest of sciences (astronomy) coincided with the year of the setting-up of our company which is specialized in one of the most historical recent inventions: The web.
It may be seems like a contrast, but nothing is what it seems. This contrast is full of subtle similarities between astronomy and digital universe firstly and between the infinity of space and the immensity of the web world on the other hand. One thing in common is obvious: The appearance of the digital and the astronomical revelations each constituted in their own way a scientific, historical and social revolution that affected the whole of humanity. In addition, an internet browser or a digital expert, are astronauts who explore, with different tools, an unlimited and exciting world where everything invites to discover the unknown and the new. As web is everything but static, our web agency adopts a philosophy based on innovation, dynamism and movement.
In 2009, the world celebrated 400 years from the invention of the astronomical telescope by Galileo which gave us the chance to see planets and stars, it was also the date when 40 years have passed after the discovery of the moon!
Our web agency is inspired by these milestones in history to forge methods and strategies oriented performance, creativity and innovation; because "innovation clearly distinguishes the leader of the follower" said Steve Jobs.
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